This is a collection fo paintings and word descriptions of Yorkshire as it was in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The pictures and text of this book are from a 1907 edition of YORKSHIRE COASTAND MOORLAND SCENES.
a bleak moorland an imposing building a river a lonely country road
Images above lead to the Yorkshire Picture Gallery.
Winding Road

A bridge leading into an old Yorkshire village

You may also be interested in these illustrations of old Normandy.


It may seem almost superfluous to explain that this book does not deal with the whole of Yorkshire, for it would obviously be impossible to get even a passing glimpse of such a great tract of country in a book of this nature. But I have endeavoured to give my own impressions of much of the beautiful coast-line, and also some idea of the character of the moors and dales of the north-east portion of the county.

I have described the Dale Country in a companion volume to this, entitled 'Yorkshire Dales and Fells.'

EPSOM, 1907.