This section is a display of beautiful embroidered books. The art of hand embroidering the covers of books, particularly the Bible and various books of psalms, reached its zenith in the 15th and 16th centuries. This collection of photographs showcases the most beautiful and historically significant books. |  |  |  |  | Embroidered Bag for Psalms. London, 1633 | New Testament, etc. London, 1625-35. | The Daily Exercise of a Christian. London, 1623. | Bible. London, 1626. |  |  | ![res ample description de toute la terre Saincte, etc. [By Martin de Brion.] ms. of the sixteenth century, probably bound about 1540.](picbigplate15.jpg) |  | Bible, etc. London, 1642. | Bible. London, 1648 | res ample description de toute la terre Saincte, etc. [By Martin de Brion.] ms. of the sixteenth century, probably bound about 1540. | Biblia. Tiguri, 1543. |  |  |  |  | Il Petrarcha. Venetia, 1544. | Queen Mary's Psalter. 14th-century ms. Bound about 1553. | Historia Ecclesiastica. Lovanii, 1569, | Embroidered Cover for New Testament. London, 1640 |  |  |  |  | Christian Prayers. London, 1570 | Parker, De antiquitate Ecclesiĉ Britannicĉ. London, 1572 | The Epistles of St. Paul. London, 1578.(From a drawing). | Christian Prayers, etc. London, 1584 | |