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KING ARGIMENES Three years ago tomorrow King Darniak spat at me,
having taken my kingdom from me. Three times in that year I was
flogged, with twelve stripes, with seventeen stripes, and with twenty
stripes. A year and eleven months ago, come Moon-day, the King's
Overseer struck me in the face, and nine times in that year he called
me dog. For one month two weeks and a day I was yoked with a bullock
and pulled a rounded stone all day over the paths, except while we
were fed. I was flogged twice that year--with eighteen stripes and
with ten stripes. This year the roof of the slave-sty has fallen in
and King Darniak will not repair it. Five weeks ago one of his queens
laughed at me as she came across the slave-fields. I was flogged again
this year and with thirteen stripes, and twelve times they have called
me dog. And these things they have done to a king, and a king of the
house of Ithara. (He listens attentively for a moment, then buries
the sword again and pats the earth over it with his hands, then digs
again. The old slaves do not see him: their faces are to the earth.)
(Enter the King's Overseer carrying a whip. The slaves and King
Argimenes kneel with their foreheads to the ground as he passes across
the stage. Exit the King's Overseer.)
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