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A Dictionary of Useful Phrases

Here is a collection of excellent phrases and word combinations that you can use to add spice to your writings and speech.


daring, cordial, discerning, and optimistic

darkness, dimness, dulness, and blackness

deadly, destructive, fatal, and implacable

deceit, delusion, treachery, and sham

deep, abstruse, learned, and profound

deficient, inadequate, scanty, and incomplete

define, explain, determine, and circumscribe

degrade, defame, humble, and debase

delicacy, daintiness, tact, and refinement

delicious, sweet, palatable, and delightful

democracy, equality, justice, and freedom

deny, dismiss, exclude, and repudiate

deprive, dispossess, divest, and despoil

describe, delineate, depict, and characterize

designed, contrived, planned, and executed

desperate, extreme, wreckless, and irremediable

despicable, abject, servile, and worthless

destructive, detrimental, deleterious, and subversive

desultory, discursive, loose, and unmethodical
[desultory = disconnected: haphazard]

detestable, abominable, horrible, and hideous

developed, revealed, measured, and tested

difference, disagreement, discord, and estrangement

difficult, arduous, intricate, and perplexing

diffuse, discursive, rambling, and wordy

diligence, attention, industry, and assiduity
[assiduity = persistent application]

disagreement, discrepancy, difference, and divergence

disconsolate, desolate, pessimistic, and impossible

discrimination, acuteness, insight, and judgment

disgust, distaste, loathing, and abhorrence

dissatisfied, rebellious, unsettled, and satirical

distinct, definite, clear, and obvious

distinguished, glorious, illustrious, and eminent

disturbed, shaken, distressed, and bewildered

docile, tractable, compliant, and teachable

dogmatic, bigoted, libelous, and unsympathizing

doubt, indecision, suspense, and perplexity

dread, disgust, repugnance, and dreariness

dreary, dispirited, unhappy, and peevish

dry, lifeless, tiresome, and uninteresting

dubious, equivocal, fluctuating, and uncertain

dull, heavy, painstaking, and conscientious

Dainty as flowers

Dance like a wave of the sea

Dark and deep as night

Dark as pitch

Dark trees bending together as though whispering secrets

Dazzling white as snow in sunshine

Deafening and implacable as some elemental force

Dear as remembered kisses after death

Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes

Dearer than night to the thief

Debasing fancies gather like foul birds

Deep as the fathomless sea

Deep dark well of sorrow

Delicate as nymphs

Denominational lines like stone walls

Dependency had dropped from her like a cast-off cloak

Despondency clung to him like a garment that is wet

Destructive as the lightning flash

Die like flies

Dip and surge lightly to and fro, like the red harbor-buoy

Disappearing into distance like a hazy sea

Dissatisfaction had settled on his mind like a shadow

Dissolve like some unsubstantial vision faded

Do make a music like to rustling satin

Dogging them like their own shadow

Drop like a feather, softly to the ground

Drowned like rats

Dull as champagne


See also these useful collections of phrases, similes and word groups:

  • Prepositional Phrases - Sets of paired adjectives that together add up to more than the sum of their parts.

  • Significant Phrases - aired nouns, adjectives and adverbs, which together create an impactful and vivid image of the thought you want to convey.

  • Public Speaking Sample Phrases - huge collection of examples and phrases are designed to make your oral presentations and debates more impactful and clear.

  • Business Phrases - These phrases will help you say what you mean with emphasis and let you stand out from the usual corporate memo and report.

  • Conversational Phrases - parts of sentences that you can use as building blocks for larger conversations.

  • Striking Similes - similes and figures of speech that you can use to make your writing more emphatic and vivid.

  • Literary Expressions - a vast collection of literary phrases, allusions and similes that you can use to spice up your writing and make it more impactful and noteworthy.

  • Impressive Phrases - These phrases and groups of related adjectives are meant to make an impact on the reader or listener.

  • Felicitous Phrases - Groupings of three words that fit perfectly together and use repetition to create emphasis and striking imagery.

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