These phrases and groups of related adjectives are meant to make an impact and impression on the reader or listener. They are meant to sound and be impressive. We have carefully selected groups of related adjectives and adverbs which complement each other and can be used together without sounding repetitive. Use them together to drive a point home.
able, skilful, thorough, and genuine
absolute, complete, unqualified, and final
accurate, precise, exact, and truthful
active, alert, vigorous, and industrious
actual, positive, certain, and genuine
adequate, uniform, proportionate, and equitable
adventurous, fine, active, and gossipy
adverse, antagonistic, unfriendly, and hostile
advisable, advantageous, acceptable, and expedient
affable, diffident, humble, and mild
affectionate, tender, loving, and attached
affluent, opulent, abundant, and ample
allurements, pits, snares, and torments
anger, indignation, resentment, and rage
animate, impel, instigate, and embolden
animosity, malice, enmity, and hatred
annul, frustrate, reverse, and destroy
anxiety, caution, watchfulness, and solicitude
apparent, ostensible, plausible, and specious
appropriate, use, arrogate, and usurp [arrogate = claim without right; appropriate]
approval, enthusiasm, sympathy, and applause
aptitude, capacity, efficiency, and power
arbitrary, dictatorial, domineering, and imperious [imperious = arrogantly domineering or overbearing]
architecture, sculpture, painting, and poetry
ardent, impatient, keen, and vehement
argue, discuss, dispute, and prove
arrangement, place, time, and circumstance
art, science, knowledge, and culture
artful, wily, insincere, and disingenuous
artificial, soulless, hectic, and unreal
assemble, amass, accumulate, and acquire
assiduity, tenderness, industry, and vigilance [assiduity = persistent application]
assurance, persuasion, fidelity, and loyalty
attention, effort, diligence, and assiduity [assiduity = persistent application]
august, magnanimous, important, and distinguished
authoritative, independent, arbitrary, and supreme
avaricious, grasping, miserly, and parsimonious [parsimonious = excessively frugal]
aversion, dislike, hatred, and repugnance
bad, vicious, unwholesome, and distressing
babble, prate, chatter, and prattle
barbarous, brutal, inhuman, and cruel
base, cowardly, abject, and hideous
battle, defeat, frustrate, and ruin
bearing, deportment, manner, and behavior
beg, entreat, implore, and supplicate
beliefs, doctrines, ceremonies, and practices
boorish, clownish, rude, and uncultivated
boundless, immeasurable, unlimited, and infinite
bravery, courage, fearlessness, and confidence
breadth, knowledge, vision, and power
brilliant, beautiful, elegant, and faithful
broaden, enlarge, extend, and augment
business, profession, occupation, and vocation
candid, sincere, familiar, and ingenuous
captious, petulant, peevish, and splenetic [captious = point out trivial faults]
cautious, discreet, considerate, and provident
certain, confident, positive, and unquestionable
chagrin, vexation, irritation, and mortification
character, disposition, temperament, and reputation
charm, fascinate, bewitch, and captivate
cheap, inexpensive, inferior, and common
cheer, animate, vivify, and exhilarate [vivify = bring life to]
chiefly, particularly, principally, and especially
childhood, youth, manhood, and age
circumstance, condition, environment, and surroundings
claim, grab, trick, and compel
clean, fastidious, frugal, and refined
clear, distinct, obvious, and intelligible
clumsy, crawling, snobbish, and comfort-loving
coarse, gross, offensive, and nauseous
coax, flatter, wheedle, and persuade
cogitate, contemplate, meditate, and ponder
cold, frigid, unfeeling, and stoical
commanding, authoritative, imperative, and peremptory [peremptory = ending all debate or action]
compassion, goodwill, admiration, and enthusiasm
confirm, establish, sustain, and strengthen
conform, submit, obey, and satisfy
confuse, distort, involve, and misinterpret
consistent, congruous, firm, and harmonious
cool, collected, calm, and self-possessed
copious, commanding, sonorous, and emotional
cowardly, timid, shrinking, and timorous
crazy, absurd, nonsensical, and preposterous
crude, rough, jagged, and pitiless
daring, cordial, discerning, and optimistic
darkness, dimness, dulness, and blackness
deadly, destructive, fatal, and implacable
deceit, delusion, treachery, and sham
deep, abstruse, learned, and profound
deficient, inadequate, scanty, and incomplete
define, explain, determine, and circumscribe
degrade, defame, humble, and debase
delicacy, daintiness, tact, and refinement
delicious, sweet, palatable, and delightful
democracy, equality, justice, and freedom
deny, dismiss, exclude, and repudiate
deprive, dispossess, divest, and despoil
describe, delineate, depict, and characterize
designed, contrived, planned, and executed
desperate, extreme, wreckless, and irremediable
despicable, abject, servile, and worthless
destructive, detrimental, deleterious, and subversive
desultory, discursive, loose, and unmethodical [desultory = disconnected: haphazard]
detestable, abominable, horrible, and hideous
developed, revealed, measured, and tested
difference, disagreement, discord, and estrangement
difficult, arduous, intricate, and perplexing
diffuse, discursive, rambling, and wordy
diligence, attention, industry, and assiduity [assiduity = persistent application]
disagreement, discrepancy, difference, and divergence
disconsolate, desolate, pessimistic, and impossible
discrimination, acuteness, insight, and judgment
disgust, distaste, loathing, and abhorrence
dissatisfied, rebellious, unsettled, and satirical
distinct, definite, clear, and obvious
distinguished, glorious, illustrious, and eminent
disturbed, shaken, distressed, and bewildered
docile, tractable, compliant, and teachable
dogmatic, bigoted, libelous, and unsympathizing
doubt, indecision, suspense, and perplexity
dread, disgust, repugnance, and dreariness
dreary, dispirited, unhappy, and peevish
dry, lifeless, tiresome, and uninteresting
dubious, equivocal, fluctuating, and uncertain
dull, heavy, painstaking, and conscientious
earth, air, stars, and sea
efficient, forcible, adequate, and potent
emaciated, scraggy, meager, and attenuated
endless, ceaseless, immutable, and imperishable
energy, eagerness, earnestness, and enthusiasm
enhance, exalt, elevate, and intensify
enormous, base, prodigious, and colossal
enrage, incense, infuriate, and exasperate
enthusiasm, devotion, intensity, and zeal
envy, discontent, deception, and ignorance
equitable, reasonable, just, and honest
equivocal, uncertain, cloudy, and ambiguous
eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, and annihilate [extirpate = pull up by the roots]
erroneous, faulty, inaccurate, and inexact
eternal, unchangeable, unerring, and intelligent
evil, misfortune, corruption, and disaster
exacting, suspicious, irritable, and wayward
exalt, dignify, elevate, and extol
examination, inquiry, scrutiny, and research
exceed, outdo, surpass, and transcend
exceptional, uncommon, abnormal, and extraordinary
excitement, distraction, diversion, and stimulation
exhaustive, thorough, radical, and complete
expend, dissipate, waste, and squander
facile, showy, cheap, and superficial
faithful, truthful, loyal, and trustworthy
fame, distinction, dignity, and honor
fanatic, enthusiast, visionary, and zealot
fanciful, unreal, fantastic, and grotesque
fancy, humor, vagary, and caprice [vagary = extravagant or erratic notion or action]
fashion, practise, habit, and usage
fastidious, proud, gracious, and poised
fate, fortune, contingency, and opportunity
fatuous, dreamy, moony, and impracticable
fear, timidity, cowardice, and pusillanimity
feeble, languid, timid, and irresolute
ferocious, restive, savage, and uncultivated
fervent, enthusiastic, anxious, and zealous
fiction, fancy, falsehood, and fabrication
fine, fragile, delicate, and dainty
firmness, steadfastness, stability, and tenacity
flash, flame, flare, and glare
flat, insipid, tame, and monotonous
fluctuating, hesitating, vacillating, and oscillating
folly, foolishness, imbecility, and fatuity
foolhardy, hasty, adventurous, and reckless
fop, coxcomb, puppy, and jackanapes [jackanapes = conceited person]
force, vigor, power, and energy
formal, precise, stiff, and methodical
fortunate, happy, prosperous, and successful
fragile, frail, brittle, and delicate
freedom, familiarity, liberty, and independence
frightful, fearful, direful, and dreadful
frivolous, trifling, petty, and childish
fruitful, fertile, prolific, and productive
fruitless, vain, trivial, and foolish
frustrate, defeat, disappoint, and thwart
fully, completely, abundantly, and perfectly
furious, impetuous, boisterous, and vehement
gaiety, merriment, joy, and hilarity
gallant, ardent, fearless, and self-sacrificing
garnish, embellish, beautify, and decorate
generous, candid, easy, and independent
genius, intellect, aptitude, and capacity
genteel, refined, polished, and well-bred
gentle, persuasive, affective, and simple
genuine, true, unaffected, and sincere
ghastly, grim, shocking, and hideous
gibe, mock, taunt, and jeer
giddy, fickle, flighty, and thoughtless
gleam, glimmer, glance, and glitter
gloomy, dismal, dark, and dejected
glorious, noble, exalted, and resplendent
glut, gorge, cloy, and satiate [cloy = too filling, rich, or sweet]
good, safe, venerable, and solid
government, law, order, and organization
grand, stately, dignified, and pompous
grave, contemplative, reserved, and profound
great, joyous, strong, and triumphant
greed, avarice, covetousness, and cupidity
gross, academic, vulgar, and indiscriminate
habit, custom, method, and fashion
handsome, exquisite, brilliant, and accomplished
harmless, innocent, innocuous, and inoffensive
harmony, order, sublimity, and beauty
harsh, discordant, disagreeable, and ungracious
hasty, superficial, impatient, and desultory [desultory = disconnected: haphazard]
healed, soothed, consoled, and assuaged
healthy, hale, sound, and wholesome
heavy, sluggish, dejected, and crushing
high-minded, truthful, honest, and courageous
holy, hallowed, sacred, and consecrated
homely, hideous, horrid, and unsightly
honor, obedience, virtue, and loyalty
hopefulness, peace, sweetness, and strength
hopes, dreams, programs, and ideals
hospitable, generous, tolerant, and kindly
hot, hasty, fervent, and fiery
humane, gentle, kind, and generous
humble, simple, submissive, and unostentatious
idea, imagination, conception, and ideal
idleness, recreation, repose, and rest
ignominious, infamous, despicable, and contemptible
illumine, instruct, enlighten, and inform
imaginative, sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung
impatience, indolence, wastefulness, and inconclusiveness
impel, stimulate, animate, and inspirit
imperious, wayward, empirical, and impatient [imperious = arrogantly domineering or overbearing]
improvident, incautious, prodigal, and thriftless
impudent, insolent, irrelevant, and officious
inadvertency, carelessness, negligence, and oversight
indecision, doubt, fear, and lassitude
indifference, caution, coldness, and weariness
indolent, passive, sluggish, and slothful
ineffectual, powerless, useless, and unavailing
infamy, shame, dishonor, and disgrace
infantile, childish, boyish, and dutiful
informal, natural, unconventional, and careless
insolent, impudent, impertinent, and flippant
integrity, frankness, sincerity, and truthfulness
intellectual, moral, emotional, and esthetic
intense, earnest, violent, and extreme
invent, discover, design, and contrive
inveterate, confirmed, chronic, and obstinate
invidious, envious, odious, and offensive
invincible, unconquerable, insurmountable, and insuperable
irksome, tiresome, tedious, and annoying
irregular, uncertain, devious, and unsystematic
irritable, choleric, petulant, and susceptible
jangle, wrangle, squabble, and quarrel
jealousy, suspicion, envy, and watchfulness
joyful, lively, happy, and hilarious
judgment, discrimination, penetration, and sagacity [sagacity = farsighted; wise]
just, impartial, equitable, and unbiased
juvenile, childish, trifling, and puerile [puerile = immature; childish]
keen, intelligent, penetrating, and severe
keep, protect, support, and sustain
kind, sympathetic, ready, and appreciative
kingly, noble, imperial, and august
knowledge, learning, enlightenment, and understanding
lapses, makeshifts, delays, and irregularities
lawful, legitimate, allowable, and just
lazy, listless, drowsy, and indifferent
lightly, freely, unscrupulously, and irresponsibly
lively, vivacious, vigorous, and forcible
loss, deprivation, forfeiture, and waste
loud, noisy, showy, and clamorous
loutish, prankish, selfish, and cunning
love, depth, loyalty, and faithfulness
lucidity, impressiveness, incisiveness, and pungency [pungency = to the point]
malice, anger, uncharitableness, and indignation
malignity, brutality, malevolence, and inhumanity
manners, morals, habits, and behavior
marvelous, wonderful, extraordinary, and incredible
massive, ponderous, solid, and substantial
mastery, proficiency, dexterity, and superiority
matchless, unrivaled, inimitable, and incomparable
maxim, proverb, truism, and apothegm [apothegm = terse, witty, instructive saying]
medley, mixture, jumble, and hodge-podge
meekness, inwardness, patience, and self-denial
merciless, remorseless, relentless, and ruthless
mild, gentle, humble, and submissive
mismanagement, indecision, obstinacy, and hardihood
mixture, medley, variety, and diversification
modesty, fineness, sensitiveness, and fastidiousness
money, position, power, and consequence
mood, temper, humor, and caprice
motive, impulse, incentive, and intimation
mysterious, dark, secret, and enigmatical
narrow, limited, selfish, and bigoted
necessary, expedient, indispensable, and unavoidable
necessity, emergency, exigency, and crisis [exigency = urgent situation]
neglect, overlook, disregard, and contemn [contemn = despise]
nice, finical, effeminate, and silly [finical = Finicky]
niggardly, close, miserly, and parsimonious [parsimonious = Excessively frugal]
noble, pure, exalted, and worthy
nonsense, trash, twaddle, and rubbish
novel, recent, rare, and unusual
noxious, unwholesome, mischievous, and destructive
obdurate, unfeeling, callous, and obstinate
obedient, respectful, dutiful, and submissive
object, propose, protest, and decline
obliging, kind, helpful, and courteous
obscure, shadowy, intricate, and mysterious
obsequious, cringing, fawning, and servile [obsequious = fawning.]
observations, sentiments, ideas, and theories
obstinacy, pertinacity, stubbornness, and inflexibility [pertinacity = persistent]
offensive, disagreeable, distasteful, and obnoxious
officious, impertinent, insolent, and meddlesome
particular, precise, formal, and punctilious [punctilious = scrupulous]
passions, weaknesses, uglinesses, and deformities
patient, loyal, hard-working, and true
peace, quiet, tranquillity, and harmony
peculiar, individual, specific, and appropriate
perplex, embarrass, confuse, and mystify
phrases, figures, metaphors, and quotations
piteous, woebegone, dismal, and dolorous
placid, meek, gentle, and moderate
plain, transparent, simple, and obvious
play, diversion, pastime, and amusement
pleasant, jocular, witty, and facetious
pliable, ductile, supple, and yielding
poetry, sentiment, morality, and religion
polished, deft, superficial, and conventional
polite, polished, cultured, and refined
positive, direct, explicit, and dogmatic
powerful, efficient, vivid, and forcible
precise, delicate, discriminating, and fastidious
prejudicial, injurious, noxious, and pernicious
preposterous, irrational, unreasonable, and nonsensical
pretense, subterfuge, simulation, and disguise
prevent, restrain, dissuade, and dishearten
primary, foremost, leading, and principal
probity, directness, simplicity, and sincerity [probity = integrity]
profession, business, trade, and vocation
profit, advantage, benefit, and emolument [emolument = compensation]
profuse, excessive, copious, and extravagant
progress, prosperity, peace, and happiness
prolix, prosaic, prolonged, and wordy [prolix = excessive length]
property, comforts, habits, and conveniences
prudence, judgment, wisdom, and discretion
pulsing, coursing, throbbing, and beating
pure, kind, sweet-tempered, and unselfish
purified, exalted, fortified, and illumined
purpose, meaning, scope, and tendency
quack, imposture, charlatan, and mountebank [mountebank = flamboyant charlatan]
qualified, powerful, vigorous, and effective
quality, property, attribute, and character
quarrels, misunderstandings, enmities, and disapprovals
queries, echoes, reactions, and after-thoughts
quick, impetuous, sweeping, and expeditious
quiet, peaceful, sane, and normal
racy, smart, spicy, and pungent
rational, sane, sound, and sensible
ravenous, greedy, voracious, and grasping
recreation, sport, pastime, and amusement
relation, work, duty, and pleasure
reliable, accurate, truthful, and duty-loving
reports, stories, rumors, and suspicions
reproach, dishonor, disgrace, and ignominy
restrained, calm, quiet, and placid
reverential, disciplined, self-controlling, and devoted
rigid, inelastic, stiff, and unbending
rough, rude, gruff, and surly
rude, curt, insolent, and unpleasant
sad, despondent, melancholy, and depressed
sane, sober, sound, and rational
scandalize, vilify, traduce, and offend [traduce = humiliate with false statements]
scanty, pinched, slender, and insufficient
science, art, religion, and philosophy
scope, design, purpose, and judgment
sensual, cruel, selfish, and unscrupulous
sentence, judgment, verdict, and doom
serene, composed, conservative, and orderly
several, sundry, many, and various
severe, stern, stiff, and stringent
shameless, corrupt, depraved, and vicious
shock, surprise, terror, and forlornness
simple, hearty, joyous, and affectionate
sin, injustice, grievance, and crime
skill, courage, prowess, and attractiveness
sleepy, soporific, sluggish, and dull [soporific = induces sleep]
slim, slender, slight, and scraggy
slow, dilatory, slack, and procrastinating [dilatory = postpone]
solemn, profound, serious, and difficult
solicit, urge, implore, and importune [importune = insistent requests]
sorrow, disaster, unhappiness, and bereavement
spontaneity, freedom, ease, and adequacy
stately, stern, august, and implacable
steady, reliable, dependable, and well-balanced
stern, severe, abrupt, and unreasonable
stories, pictures, shows and representations
strength, agility, violence, and activity
strong, inventive, daring, and resourceful
sublime, consoling, inspiring, and beautiful
substantial, solid, strong, and durable
suffering, regret, bitterness, and fatigue
superficial, shallow, flimsy, and untrustworthy
superfluous, excessive, unnecessary, and redundant
suspicious, cynical, crafty, and timid
symmetry, proportion, harmony, and regularity
tact, courtesy, adroitness, and skill
talents, opportunities, influence, and power
talkative, selfish, superstitious, and inquisitive
tastes, appetites, passions, and desires
tease, tantalize, worry, and provoke
tenacious, stubborn, pertinacious, and obstinate [pertinacious = perversely persistent]
tendency, drift, scope, and disposition
tests, trials, temptations, and toils
theatrical, ceremonious, meretricious, and ostentatious [meretricious = plausible but insincere]
theory, assumption, speculation, and conjecture
think, reflect, weigh, and ponder
tortuous, twisted, sinuous, and circuitous
tractable, gentle, pliant, and submissive
traditional, uncertain, legendary, and unverified
traffic, trade, commerce, and intercourse
tricky, insincere, wily, and shifty
trite, ordinary, commonplace, and hackneyed
trivial, petty, frivolous, and insignificant
true, upright, real, and authentic
tumultuous, riotous, disorderly, and turbulent
ugly, evil, hateful, and base
uncertain, questionable, erroneous, and mistaken
unctuous, shrill, brisk, and demonstrative [unctuous = exaggerated, insincere]
unhappy, unfortunate, distressed, and disastrous
uninteresting, lifeless, obscure, and commonplace
unity, aggressiveness, efficiency, and force
unkind, severe, oppressive, and callous
unpractical, childish, slipshod, and silly
unreasonable, foolish, excessive, and absurd
unrivaled, unequaled, incomparable, and matchless
upright, high-minded, brave, and liberal
urgent, important, immediate, and imperative
usage, custom, habit, and practise
vain, useless, unproductive, and unavailing
vanities, envies, devices, and jealousies
vast, scattered, various, and incalculable
versatile, eloquent, sagacious, and talented [sagacious = wise]
vigorous, upright, dignified, and imperative
vile, mean, debased, and sordid
violent, impetuous, intense, and ungovernable
virtuous, upright, honest, and moral
visionary, dreamy, pensive, and sensitive
vulgar, heavy, narrow, and obtuse
want, lack, poverty, and paucity
warm, soft, clear, and serene
waste, devastate, pillage, and destroy
watched, tendered, fostered, and pruned
weak, inefficient, stupid, and futile
wealth, position, influence, and reputation
well-being, happiness, prosperity, and distress
wild, restless, aimless, and erring
wisdom, judgment, understanding, and far-sightedness
wit, purity, energy, and simplicity
wonderful, interesting, active, and delightful
works, sorrows, visions, and experiences
worry, annoyance, awkwardness, and difficulty
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See also these useful collections of phrases, similes and word groups: