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A Dictionary of Useful Phrases

Here is a collection of excellent phrases and word combinations that you can use to add spice to your writings and speech.


idea, imagination, conception, and ideal

idleness, recreation, repose, and rest

ignominious, infamous, despicable, and contemptible

illumine, instruct, enlighten, and inform

imaginative, sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung

impatience, indolence, wastefulness, and inconclusiveness

impel, stimulate, animate, and inspirit

imperious, wayward, empirical, and impatient
[imperious = arrogantly domineering or overbearing]

improvident, incautious, prodigal, and thriftless

impudent, insolent, irrelevant, and officious

inadvertency, carelessness, negligence, and oversight

indecision, doubt, fear, and lassitude

indifference, caution, coldness, and weariness

indolent, passive, sluggish, and slothful

ineffectual, powerless, useless, and unavailing

infamy, shame, dishonor, and disgrace

infantile, childish, boyish, and dutiful

informal, natural, unconventional, and careless

insolent, impudent, impertinent, and flippant

integrity, frankness, sincerity, and truthfulness

intellectual, moral, emotional, and esthetic

intense, earnest, violent, and extreme

invent, discover, design, and contrive

inveterate, confirmed, chronic, and obstinate

invidious, envious, odious, and offensive

invincible, unconquerable, insurmountable, and insuperable

irksome, tiresome, tedious, and annoying

irregular, uncertain, devious, and unsystematic

irritable, choleric, petulant, and susceptible

I had grown pure as the dawn and the dew

I have heard the Hiddon People like the hum of swarming bees

I have seen the ravens flying, like banners of old wars

I saw a face bloom like a flower

I saw a river of men marching like a tide

I saw his senses swim dizzy as clouds

I wander'd lonely as a cloud

I was as sensitive as a barometer

I was no more than a straw on the torrent of his will

I will face thy wrath though it bite as a sword

Ideas which spread with the speed of light

Idle hopes, like empty shadows

Impassive as a statue

Impatient as the wind

Impregnable as Gibraltar

Impressive as a warrant of arrest for high treason

Incredible little white teeth, like snow shut in a rose

Infrequent carriages sped like mechanical toys guided by manikins

In honor spotless as unfallen snow

In that head of his a flame burnt that was like an altar-fire

In yonder cottage shines a light, far-gleaming like a gem

Instantly she revived like flowers in water

Intangible as a dream

It came and faded like a wreath of mist at eve

It cuts like knives, this air so chill

It drops away like water from a smooth statue

It pealed through her brain like a muffled bell

It poured upon her like a trembling flood

It racked his ears like an explosion of steam-whistles

It ran as clear as a trout-brook

It seems as motionless and still as the zenith in the skies

It set his memories humming like a hive of bees

It staggered the eye, like the sight of water running up hill

It stung like a frozen lash

It was as futile as to oppose an earthquake with argument

It was as if a door had been opened into a furnace, so the eyes blazed

It would collapse as if by enchantment

Its temples and its palaces did seem
like fabrics of enchantment piled to Heaven


See also these useful collections of phrases, similes and word groups:

  • Prepositional Phrases - Sets of paired adjectives that together add up to more than the sum of their parts.

  • Significant Phrases - aired nouns, adjectives and adverbs, which together create an impactful and vivid image of the thought you want to convey.

  • Public Speaking Sample Phrases - huge collection of examples and phrases are designed to make your oral presentations and debates more impactful and clear.

  • Business Phrases - These phrases will help you say what you mean with emphasis and let you stand out from the usual corporate memo and report.

  • Conversational Phrases - parts of sentences that you can use as building blocks for larger conversations.

  • Striking Similes - similes and figures of speech that you can use to make your writing more emphatic and vivid.

  • Literary Expressions - a vast collection of literary phrases, allusions and similes that you can use to spice up your writing and make it more impactful and noteworthy.

  • Impressive Phrases - These phrases and groups of related adjectives are meant to make an impact on the reader or listener.

  • Felicitous Phrases - Groupings of three words that fit perfectly together and use repetition to create emphasis and striking imagery.

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